About Me

I am dedicated to preserving factual information about our ancestral lines through accurate documentation.  My goals are to help others recognize erroneous information.  While well-meaning family researchers are happy to share their findings with others, not all information they share has been properly documented.  Although inadvertent, these personal databases often contain errors that trickle down into other family files, causing a chain reaction of incorrect information.

As daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, my goal is to leave our families’ histories for them and for future generations.  History should be true and never revised.  This includes the facts surrounding people in our past, present, and future.  No person has ever been nor will ever be perfect.  We are humans who are allowed to make our own mistakes.  Some of our ancestors have been great people in history; others… not so great an asset to our country, perhaps, but still a great asset to us, their descendants.  Embrace them, remember them, and most importantly… love them.

Karla J. (Shelton) Nelson


2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. jodigreen82

    I am so glad to have found this website. I am in the process of researching my ancestry. My father is Randall Green Jr., his mother was LaWanda Shelton, her father was Leonard Wesley Shelton, and Mother was Johnnie Hughes, Granddad (Leonard) father was Marvin B. Shelton… I’m not sure where I fit it… but I’m here. Nice to meet you.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jodi. If your paternal grandmother’s last name was Shelton, you fit in somewhere! 🙂 I may or may not have your family info here at this point in time, but will be thrilled to find our connection and get that information up. It’s nice to meet you, too, Jodi! 😀


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